Acest articol este dedicat aspectlor legate de formarea caracteristicilor constructive ale chitarelor bass in anii 1970. Sunt analizate prototipurilr innovative Fender Fretless Precision, Alembic Series I Bass și Music Man StingRay, precum și instrumentele bas produse de compania Travis Bean Guitars. Un interes deosebit îl prezintă caracteristicile constructive ale acestor modele, bazate pe căutarea unor soluții de design exclusive.
Cuvinte-cheie: chitară bas, Fender Fretless Precision, Alembic Series I Bass, Music Man StingRay, Travis Bean Guitars
This article is dedicated to the issues of developing the design construction of the bass guitars in the 1970s. It examines the innovative prototypes of the Fender Fretless Precision, Alembic Series 1 Bass and, Music Man StingRay, as well as the bass instruments produced by the Travis Bean Guitars. Of particular interest are the design characteristics of these models, based on the search for exclusive design solutions.
Keywords: bass guitar, Fender Fretless Precision, Alembic Series I Bass, Music Man StingRay, Travis Bean Guitars